The Broom… Really?!

Recently, Stella has discovered the kitchen broom and dustpan hidden in between the stove and cupboard.  It continues to amaze me how determined Stella is to explore any new thing she can get her hands on.  She wants to explore the fire place, the electrical outlets, the plugs to everything, the central vac holes in the wall, the cupboard drawers and doors, under the couch (got her head stuck a couple times), behind the couch (got pinned between the wall and couch), her night light, pulling books off the shelves, and pretty much every little ball of fuzz she can find.  She’s keeping me busy… but I LOVE it.

Here are some pictures of Stella with the broom and dustpan.  The pics take place on two separate occasions.  This first set of pictures was the very first time she found the magnificent broom.  She played with it for about 30 minutes straight while I worked on dinner.

This second set of pictures are so sweet.  As she played I told her how lucky of a Mommy I was to have such a good little helper in the kitchen.  To my surprise, this actually seemed to cheer her on as she tried so very hard to sweep the floor just like Mommy!

She was so proud of herself for helping too!  Thank you for being such a joy to care fore and love, Stella.  You make me laugh everyday! xo

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One Comment on “The Broom… Really?!”

  1. mary trachsel Says:

    Stella you can come and sweep Grandmas floor ANYTIME!!

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