Bunny Takes a Bath

As many of you may know, Stella has a “comfort thing” she likes to sleep with that is a Bunny head attached to a small blanket lined with a silky material.  I’m sure many of you have seen these kinds of creatures before.  Since Stella and “Bunny” (that’s what we call her) were introduced to one another, they have been best friends.  Bunny was actually a gift from a very close friend (Laura Sider) whom I may have to call upon to replace Bunny someday when she dies… of filth and stench.

Bunny was in quite a stinky state today, so it was time for her to take a bath.  We have a washing machine that has a clear glass window, so I get Stella all excited to watch Bunny swirl around in her “special Bunny bathtub” to get clean.

The pictures are a little blurry, but hopefully you’ll get an idea of the cuteness that went on during this event.

Stella closely watches her precious Bunny swirl around and around in the bathtub.  This close observation lasted only a few seconds…

… and Stella began to fear for Bunny’s life.  She quickly looked to her Daddy for reassurance that everything was going to be okay.  He told her that Bunny loved the bath and was having so much fun in there.  This answer seemed to satisfy the little princess and off she went to play with her toys.

I’m hoping that as the years go on, this event will be very familiar and comfortable for Stella.  I know that some kids practically have a heart attack when their Mom’s sneak their little animals or blankets to the washing machine.  I’m doing my best to make this a normal ordeal that may even seem fun to Stella… time will tell.

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