Archive for May 2010

Stella and Avery Adventures

May 29, 2010

Our dear friends the Robertson family recently returned home from a wee vacation in Florida.  A dinner date together was well over due, so we met them at their house for a lovely bbq two evenings ago.  Ryan and Erin are two of Matt and I’s closest friends.  It was great to spend some quality time with them (as usual)!

However, this blog is more about the friendship shared between Stella and their 2 1/2 year old daughter Avery.  These girls knew they were going to be seeing each other in the evening, so all day they anticipated the reunion.  In fact, Ryan said that when he returned home from work and it was not Stella at the door, she cried.  Poor Ryan 😦

Here are some pictures of them playing around the house giggling endlessly.



MATCHING CHAIRS: it’s amazing how such little things can amuse these girls.  They thought it was funny that they were in matching chairs… at least that’s my best guess as to why they were being silly in these pics.

INTRODUCING CALLUM: Callum is the Robertson’s little boy (almost 6 months old) and he is too cute for words.  Stella was practicing the concept of being gentle while stroking Callum’s sweet face.

I”m so thankful that we and the Robertson’s have children around the same age that can play together.  We were there until a little after 9… but Avery kept Stella in a good mood.  Praise God for friendship, good food, and laughter.

Big Girl Chair Becomes Reality

May 28, 2010

I wrote about these “big girl chairs” that I say at Home Sense for toddlers.  Matt and I discussed getting one for Stella for her birthday.  We thought about it, decided, and then bought it.

This one is a little rocking chair (which she did not seem to like the first time she tried it)… but the second time she tried it in the store she couldn’t get enough of it.  She sits in her chair and plays with her toys quite often.

She also uses it to climb on to reach the blinds on the window and look outside.  I’m glad she likes it… mostly cause she looks so precious when she sits in it!


May 27, 2010

Stella’s Nana had purchased her a wee blow-up swimming pool for those HOT days were you simply need an escape from the heat.  Yesterday was definitely one of those days as the “feel’s like” temperature was a high of 36 degrees according to the weather network!  So, I blew up the pool and Stella went “swimming” in the early afternoon.

Stella always takes a few minutes to observe and assess a new situation.  For the first minute or so she checked out the pool, felt every nook and cranny for who knows what, and then seemed to decide that this type of wet play was acceptable.

She played happily in that 3 inch deep water for about half an hour.  There was only one time she got distracted by the mulch in the flowerbeds and thought it would be a good idea to spread the mulch all over the grass.  I added the garden hose to the swimming fun and that easily got her focused back on the pool.

Tiny swimming pool = BIG success.  Thanks Nana!!

3 Years and Counting

May 26, 2010

Toady is May 26th 2010.  Three years ago this day I married the love of my life, Matt MacDonald.

These past three years have been more than I could ever have imagined.  Doing life with Matt is an adventure… by that I mean that it is NEVER boring.  I want to stay in this adventure of love forever.  That’s exactly what we promised to each other 3 years ago… that no matter what life brings us, we are committed to God and one another for a lifetime!

Although it sounds cliche, I can’t help saying it cause it’s true.  I am SO THANKFUL to God that he gave Matt to me.  The more I get to know of this man I call my husband, the more of him I love.  He is amazing.  Praise God for marriage!

Stella’s First Birthday Party

May 23, 2010

This past Saturday we celebrated the first birthday of our lovely Stella!  Stella woke up from her afternoon nap to a house full of all the people she loves most in the world… grandparents and aunts and uncles.  Stella was so excited to see everyone in one place at one time that she couldn’t stop clapping and smiling and wanting people to play with her.  The party began with Stella making her way from person to person.

Here are a couple pics of Stella socializing.




After we ate a delicious supper (thanks to Nana and Grandma for all your help), it was time to open presents!  She really loved doing this because everyone was cheering her on and making “oooooooooo,” and “ahhhhhh,” noises as she tore the paper off each present.  I don’t think she had any clue as to why she was suppose to be so excited, but she definitely joined in and copied our sound effects and smiles!

…excited she got a wagon.

Stella’s new Bunny from Mommy and Daddy.  The old Bunny is so worn out that it may go to Bunny Heaven soon.

No child should have to grow up without an old fashioned Glow-worm!

After the presents, it was time to eat CAKE!  This is traditionally known as one of the funnest parts of a one year old’s birthday party.  They get to devour their very own cake and get as messy as they want with no negative repercussions.

I homemade this chocolate banana birthday cake.  I want to make all my kids birthday cakes as a tradition!

May I have some please?

Her very own mini-cake!

And it begins…

…this is AMAZING!!!

…all done!

As you can probably tell, she LOVED the cake eating experience!  Grandpa John to the rescue for clean-up time… straight into the bathtub!

I know it’s hard to imagine, but by the end of the bath-time she was clean as a whistle.  After her bath, Stella went down-stairs one last time to say her good-bye’s and thank you’s to everyone.  Thank you to all who came, and for all the love you shower on Stella even when it’s not her birthday!

I know that my little girlie won’t remember even a tiny little bit from her first birthday party.  But, my hope is that one day she will read this blog and be touched by how much she was loved by her family.

Matt and I are unable to put into words the level of joy and love that Stella has brought into our lives this past year.  The more we get to know you Stella, the more we love you.  We are truly thankful to God that he gave you to us, our little shining star.  Our prayer is that you would shine bright for the Lord in all your years to come.  Happy birthday my sweet girl!

Stella is One!

May 21, 2010

Today my little girlie turned one year old.  This has by far been the fastest year of my life, as I’m sure other mothers can attest to once children come along.  Stella’s first birthday was missing one very important thing… her Daddy.  Matt has been away at school in Virginia for a week now, and will arrive home late tonight when Stella is sleeping.

Matt told Stella over the phone this morning that he love’s her, hopes she has a happy birthday, and that he will give her a birthday kiss when he gets home tonight.  Because Daddy’s away, we will be celebrating Stella’s birthday tomorrow with family and a wee party!

I will post pics of this event and blog more about my little munchkin then.  But for now I will just say that I love her to bits, and this past year has been one that I will forever look back on as wonderful because of her.

Snug as a Bug

May 14, 2010

A couple of days ago Matt took this picture of Stella.  He wrapped her up in this cozy blanket so that she couldn’t escape.  He than made her laugh, and this picture is the results.

I absolutely love this picture.  Her smile makes me smile.  Her little white teeth glistening for the camera as she smiles for her Daddy.  Kid’s are fun.  I think we’ll have another one someday!

How to Train Your Dragon

May 13, 2010

Last night for Matt’s birthday we went to see the movie called “How to Train Your Dragon.”  I would highly recommend it.  We knew it’s a kids movie, but there’s so much crap out there that at least we knew we wouldn’t walk out (which we have done before).  Plus, it was in 3-D and we got to wear very cool glasses.

Overall, it was a really good movie.  The plot was childish (as expected), but it was super fun to watch the amazing effects with the glasses which we looked GREAT in!

I had a wonderful night spending time with Matty going on a date.  Now that Stella’s getting a little older, nights like these are becoming more and more possible.  Yeah!  But I must admit, when I got home I picked her up out of her crib and cuddled with her for a few minutes on the rocking chair.  I have NEVER done this before once she’s asleep, but I couldn’t resist her cuteness.  She remained zonked through the whole cuddle session.  I love my family.      

Happy Birthday to My Best Friend

May 12, 2010

Today is my husbands birthday.  I made him a yummy breakfast and gave him his present (from Stella and Mommy) before he rushed off to work this morning.

Not only is he the daddy of my little girl and my husband, but he is also my very best friend in all the world.  There is no one that I’d rather do life with than this man.

When I was a little girl I would have sleepover’s with my girlfriends or cousins.  They were always the ultimate fun because you could laugh together as you fall asleep, and when you woke up in the morning, the fun just kept on coming!  When Matty and I go to bed at night, I feel this very same way.  I’m getting to have a sleepover with my best friend, knowing that when I wake up in the morning he will be right next to me and the fun will just keep on coming.

The above picture was taken on our honeymoon when all the sleepovers started.  Almost 3 years later and our smiles are just as big.

Matty makes me laugh more than anyone I know.  He challenges me to be more Christlike in my daily life.  He refuses to allow me to become a repeat offender when it comes to outward sin.  He loves me sacrificially as he puts my needs and desires above his own.  He teases me when needed, and always makes me feel special.  I know that I’m his favorite person, and he is mine.

Tonight we will go on a date to dinner and a movie.  I’m excited to spend this time with him because I know our love will be exchanged. We will laugh together, hold hands, taste each others food, talk about stuff that matters (and some stuff that doesn’t), kiss on the lips, and smile a lot!  I love my husband, and I’m so glad he was born.  Happy birthday baby!

My First Mother’s Day

May 9, 2010

Today was the first true Mother’s Day that I was blessed to celebrate.  The previous year I was 9 months pregnant with Stella and gave birth to her about 10 days later (I only missed it by a wee bit)!  Matt took Stella down stairs and together they made me breakfast.  This lovely breakfast was then brought up to me while I lay in bed along with a beautiful card and a sweet child’s book called “M is for Mom.”

The breakfast was more like a feast as it consisted of blueberry pancakes, whole wheat croissants, fruit salad, orange juice, and coffee… and yes, my wonderful husband made it all!  I know he says that Stella helped, but who are we kidding… she probably caused him more added distraction than anything else.  This makes me even more appreciative of the quiet time he gave me snuggled in bed by myself this morning.  Love you Matty!

Here is a picture of Stella and I just after she had given me her card.  She even signed it with scribble pen marks (with Daddy’s help of course).  It truly blessed my heart as she handed it over and watched me open it!

Tonight I put Stella’s hand and foot print in the front over of the book she gave me as a little reminder of our first mothers day together.  The page is pretty big, so I think I’ll keep the book safe and put all my kid’s prints in it on the first time they experience mothers day with me.

This Mother’s Day was truly a special day for me.  I was reminded of how thankful and blessed I am to be given the gift and responsibly of being a mother.  It made me think of my own Mommy that I love SO much!  I hope and pray that Stella will share a relationship with me similar to the one I share with my Mom… she is one of my very best friends, and teachers.  Even though I’m a grown adult with my own child, I still just need my mommy’s hugs and kisses and words of encouragement on a regular basis.  Thanks for being so great Mom!

I was also reminded of how blessed I am to have such an amazing husband that seeks to show me his appreciation and love.  Horray for Mother’s Day!  I liked it!