Archive for September 2011

Reese says, “Da, da, da,” and Other 6 Month Developments

September 13, 2011

A few days ago my little girl Reese turned 6 months old.  Time has flown by even faster with my second than my first, but I hear that is quite the norm.  Today Matt returned from a 5 day trip in California to visit his brother, Drew.  He had an amazing time away, and the girls and I had a fantastic time on a little holiday at my parents.  Although we all had a great time on our little holidays, I know that Stella missed her Daddy, and maybe Reese did too!

This morning, Reese started saying, “da, da, da, da,” for the first time.  I know it is just coincidence, but it’s fun for me to imagine that she really did miss her daddy and was expressing her excitement for his return.  I took a video and sent it to Matt with the subject: somebody misses their Daddy.  I’m sure it made him smile.

Other notable 6 month developments:

1) Reese babbles and squeals to herself every morning before I get her up at 7am

2) She somehow manouvers herself along the floor from her back to side in order to get where she wants to go

3) She is eating cereal and baby food full throttle, three times a day

4) She can sit up on her own with the safety of a nursing pillow providing cushion for occasional falls

As Reese’s personality is exposed more day by day, I am blessed to get to know who God has made her to be, and I LOVE it!