Archive for January 2011

Daddy and the i-pad

January 17, 2011

This past weekend Stella and her Daddy were blessed with a little bit of alone time together as I served in the nursery at church and caught up on some much needed grocery shopping.

I discovered long ago that the things Daddies do with there wee ones are much different than the things Mommies do.  For example, I would never feel the desire to pick Stella up by her ankles and spin her in circles around the living room.  I would also never hold Stella up-side-down by one leg lifting her up and down rapidly in attempts to simulate the feeling of the “drop zone” at Canada’s Wonderland.  In fact, I turn a blind eye to these sorts of activities because they freak me out as a mother who values ‘safe play.’

In addition to playing unsafely, I also shy away from Stella interacting too much with technology i.e.) television, camera, my phone, computer, etc… not that she never gets to do these things…I just think that good old fashion play is better when possible.  Matt on the other hand, loves to introduce Stella to all of these technological devices whenever they have some time together without Mommy.

This time it was the i-pad, which Stella loves very much.  Here are two videos of Stella that Matt took while I was out.  The characters she’s playing with are a Kitty, and a creature named Carl that repeat and interact with her as she talks and touches them on the screen.

I’m so thankful that Stella has ‘the best Daddy in the world’ (we think so anyways…) that loves to spend time with her and teach her new and wonderful things.  He thinks of things that I don’t think of, and she is always blessed by her Daddy’s silly play.  I am so excited to soon meet our next little girl who I know Matt will love and cherish in similarly special ways.  I love you both so much! xo

Oh Where is My Hairbrush

January 5, 2011

Stella has recently fallen in love with the Veggie Tales.  She adores watching their silly movies and singing along with all the songs.  The very first song Stella ever learned (even before she was introduced to the movies) was the silly song by Larry the Cucumber, “Oh, Where is My Hairbrush?”  I had remembered this song as a kid and would sing it to her if she was fussy… it always made her laugh.

Now that she is in love with the videos and all the songs, she attempts to sing along to ALL of them!  For Christmas, Nana got her a veggie tales CD that we popped in the car today to listen to while running some errands.  Although she tried to sing along to all the songs she knew, her enthusiasm for the hairbrush song just made me have to take a little video!

You crack me up Stella May!  I’m hoping that once her new little sister arrives, she will continue to use her voice to entertain.  Little sister with hopefully delight in Stella’s singing as much as I do… and then one day join in the silliness!