Archive for April 2011

Stella’s Fort

April 29, 2011

This morning I was feeling quite adventuous, so I decided that Stella and I would make a fort together.  As a kid, my brothers and I made forts a lot.  It was so much fun to make them, and then we’d spend hours in them reading books, eating lunch, and playing games.  We made some pretty elaborate forts as a kid… sometimes taking us hours to create.  I was not up for this kind of adventure, so I just made the most simple version I could come up with… a king sized sheet draped over the kitchen table.

We had a blast together laying in our cozy fort reading book after book after book!  Besides a few bonks to the head, I’d say that Stella’s first fort experience was a huge success.  Love spending time like this with my sweet, sweet little Stella!

Reese the Model

April 27, 2011

Oh, Reese.  As your Mommy, I am sorry to embarrass you like this, but it was just too cute not to share with the world.  Hope you forgive me one day.  Love, Mommy.

Easter Flowers

April 22, 2011

My husband is amazing.  Several times a year he brings me home the most beautiful bouquets of flowers.  The other day with the girls was filled with whining, crying, and discipline occurring every 5 minutes.  Every mother out there knows what I’m talking about.  Matt is in tax season at work so his long awaited arrival home is usually around 7:30 if I’m lucky.  Oh, how I earned for his coming home so I would just have someone with me to help “bear the burden” of my difficult day.

Finally he arrived as I was in the middle of nursing a REALLY fussy baby with tears in my eyes, and a growling stomach.  FLOWERS!  It’s times like these where his thoughtfulness means so much to me.  Even though he was busy at work all day and unable to help me through the craziness of bedtime, bath time, dinner time, and a squealing baby… he was thinking of me and wanted to show me his love.

These flowers may not have erased the difficulties of my day, but they did warm my heart, make me smile, and help me to know that I am loved and appreciated.

So, thank you Matty.  You’re amazing.  xo

Jesus Loves Me

April 21, 2011

Stella likes to watch videos on my i-phone.  She finds it fascinating to watch herself on the video doing something that she just did in real life a few moments ago.  Despite this, she is sometimes a little camera shy when it comes to me recording her doing anything.  She is becoming more and more aware of the camera and it’s abilities, and she often will become very shy and apprehensive when I ask to video tape her.  That’s where the slight whining at the beginning of this video comes from.

This morning Stella has been singing “Jesus Loves Me,” every 5 seconds, so I thought I’d video tape her to capture this sweet memory forever.  Being so close to Easter, hearing her sing those words melts my heart, even though I know she doesn’t quite understand what they mean yet.  One day I pray that she will fully grasp the reality of Christ’s love for her, and embrace that TRUTH in her life.

But for now, I am blessed just to hear her little voice sing these simple but profound words.

Love her so much!

Stella Visits the Horses

April 11, 2011

Shortly before Reese was born, Stella went to her Grandma and Grandpa’s house for an adventure weekend.  While she was there they took Stella to their neighbors who own horses.  Stella absolutely LOVES animals, so seeing the horses up close and personal was such a treat for her.

Here’s the video:

This was the first official weekend that Stella spent at my parents without her mommy and daddy.  My parents were so excited to have her all to their selves, and are itching to do it again.  In fact, my mom and dad always talk about how wonderful it will be to have all their grandkids stay at their place for holidays during the summer times, and pretty much any time we would be willing to give them up.

I know that Stella will have many memorable adventures at her Grandma and Grandpa’s house, just like I did at my Grandparents house when I was a kid.  Visiting these horses was just one of the first.

P.S. If anyone was wondering, Stella and my dad switched hats in this video.  This was likely initiated by Stella who has a special love for Grandpa’s hats in particular.  For some reason beyond my understanding, she finds comfort in wearing grandpa’s hats.