Archive for July 2010


July 25, 2010

My little chunker is not into working out on a regular basis quite yet, some sometimes she looks like she does.  Yesterday, I put this purple headband on Stella because I thought it was funny.  It looks to me like she belongs in a little toddler jazz-er-size video.  She tolerated it for quite some time until I decided to photograph her.

She looked at me with this face that said, “Seriously mom, I tolerate this because I love you… but taking a picture is just pushing it!”  See below.

All she wanted was to eat her rice cake in peace and for me to leave her alone.  I didn’t leave her alone, so she taught me a lesson.  See below.

She said, “That’s it mom!  This things comin’ off!”   End of story.  Photo shoot over.  My toddler jazz-er-size video dreams crushed.

Thank you for making Mommy laugh, Stella.  And, thank you for putting up with my antics, even from such a young age.  xo

Bunny Takes a Bath

July 24, 2010

As many of you may know, Stella has a “comfort thing” she likes to sleep with that is a Bunny head attached to a small blanket lined with a silky material.  I’m sure many of you have seen these kinds of creatures before.  Since Stella and “Bunny” (that’s what we call her) were introduced to one another, they have been best friends.  Bunny was actually a gift from a very close friend (Laura Sider) whom I may have to call upon to replace Bunny someday when she dies… of filth and stench.

Bunny was in quite a stinky state today, so it was time for her to take a bath.  We have a washing machine that has a clear glass window, so I get Stella all excited to watch Bunny swirl around in her “special Bunny bathtub” to get clean.

The pictures are a little blurry, but hopefully you’ll get an idea of the cuteness that went on during this event.

Stella closely watches her precious Bunny swirl around and around in the bathtub.  This close observation lasted only a few seconds…

… and Stella began to fear for Bunny’s life.  She quickly looked to her Daddy for reassurance that everything was going to be okay.  He told her that Bunny loved the bath and was having so much fun in there.  This answer seemed to satisfy the little princess and off she went to play with her toys.

I’m hoping that as the years go on, this event will be very familiar and comfortable for Stella.  I know that some kids practically have a heart attack when their Mom’s sneak their little animals or blankets to the washing machine.  I’m doing my best to make this a normal ordeal that may even seem fun to Stella… time will tell.

Stella’s Walking

July 20, 2010

Yesterday afternoon (July 19th) Stella took her first steps on her own.  It all started when out the corner of my eye I thought I saw her walk from a foot stool to one of her stand up toys.  I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me because I only saw it at the last split second, but my mom and I thought we’d try to encourage her to do it anyway.

My mom and I sat on the ground about 5 feet apart to start and on her very first attempt she walked from my mom to me!  Of course we hugs and clapped and cheered for her which made her want to do it again and again.  We slowly kept spacing ourselves out further and further until she was walking about 10-15 feet on her own.

I’m so glad my dad was there with us because he got out the camera and caught this wonderful “first time” experience on video.

I’m so very proud of my little girl for everything she accomplishes, but this was a special moment… she’s turning into such a big girl.  We would tell her that too as she walked back and fourth.  “OOOooooo, what a big girl Stella,” we would say over and over.  She would verify our comments by smiling huge and saying, “bie gguurr.”

Another milestone.  I love this being a mom thing!

Eating Flowers

July 12, 2010

A few days ago my brother-in-law and I went for a walk with Stella.  On the way, Spencer saw a beautiful daisy flower (weed), and gave it to Stella because he loves her.  What a wonderful Uncle!

Before giving it to her he asked me if she would eat it.  I said “no… of course not” because even if she did stick it in her mouth it would taste bitter and I’m sure she wouldn’t want to eat something bitter.

I was wrong.  As Stella was riding along in her wagon with her flower, and Spencer and Mommy were walking ahead, she decided to do the very thing I thought she’d never do… she ate the whole thing.  EEEEEWwwwww!

Here was our evidence.

It may be a little hard to tell, but that is “flower juice” and tiny little petals all over her chubby face.  Stella was smacking with her tongue trying to get all the little flower pieces out of her mouth… but did keep some stored in there (discovered a little later while having a snack).

Her Uncle Spencer thought it was great fun that he was a big part of Stella doing something that I didn’t necessarily “approve of.”  Apparently, it is Spencer’s desire to get Stella to do many things in life that her Mommy and Daddy will not necessarily like, such as playing in a mud pit or… eating wild greenery.  I guess he is also looking forward to giving her lots of baths and taking her to the ER on occasion.  Have fun with that.

St. Louis

July 10, 2010

This past week Matt and I had the treat of going to St. Louis together on a wee trip.  It was for Matt’s work with Tech 4 Kids, and we were a vendor at the NHL Expo.  It was long days, but we got to go out for dinner every night together and had a great time.

While we were away, Stella had the pleasure of staying with her Nana and Grandpa.  Every evening I would look forward to Matt getting a letter from his mom (Stella’s Nana) concerning the activities of her day.  These e-mails were written so sweetly.  They made me feel like I didn’t miss out on any of Stella’s day as her Nana explained every little detail with MAJOR writing skills.

See all three e-mails coped below.

E-mail: Day 1

Hey,  we had a great day with Stella.  Nana really enjoyed seeing her and chuckled at her antics.  We then went and picked up Swiss Chalet and brought it to Papa Len’s.  Stella love Swiss Chalet sauce on her chicken.  She ate a great supper.  She had a bath there to just freshen up from the sticky day.  She slept for about 15 minutes and then just sat quietly for the drive home.  She was greeted by her fan club- Drew, Spencer and Becca and proceeded to respond to their encouragement in an enthusiastic manner.  She had a little bedtime snack.  I changed her bum and then she pooped so I changed her again and went off to bed with not even a fuss (a little passed her bedtime).  We are looking foward to tomorrow and the new adventures it will provide.  Have a great day .
Love, Mom

E-mail: Day 2

Hi guys, hope you have had a good day.  Stella had a great day.  We started a little later this morning due to the very busy day yesterday but had a great nights sleep.  Breakfast and playtime and of course enjoying the chaos as the big people got out the door.  Both days now Nana has put Stella down for her morning nap with Grampa nowhere to be seen and Grampa gets her up at 11:00 with Nana nowhere to be seen (working out this am). Grampa supervised her excersice program of going up and down the stairs several times. Lunch of pasta and lots of berries was a huge success (and of course milk). Lots of giggles and play and then off to do a couple of errands.  The grocery store where many women stopped to express just how cute Stella was.  Stella cooperated with “hi’s” and smiles.  Off to see Joanne at the drug store and blowing kisses good bye amidst another round of “just how cute she is” by staff.
Nap was a little longer 2 – 4:30 knowing that the evening schedual could be delayed.  More climbing stairs and playing after a snack of yougurt and bananas.  Becca came home and took Stella out for a walk (she saved the day figuring out how to open the stroller.  She had a great supper (bit her finger but a blackberry cured the tears) and then ate again with us at our supper.  She loves turkey burgers but would not even try the yellow beans (she must have radar warning for vegetables).  Stella had a wonderful bath, said good night to everyone, story and prayer time and off to bed without a peep. (Once again a little later than normal bedtime but not as late as last night).
A wonderful day!  Too hot to spend time outside.  We will see what tomorrow brings but we will keep her busy.  She has learned this new trick of getting up on her knees which is very cute.  The boys are perservering in trying to get her to walk.  She gets so excited when Grampa gets home.  She loves to see Barclay and keeps her distance.  Once he was barking and she started to laugh and laugh. She certainly loves being around everyone.
Well, that’s all for now.  Have a great evening and a good day tomorrow.
Love, Mom

E-mail: Day 3

Hi once again.  We had a very exciting and eventful day. The morning began a little later than usual but just a little.  Breakfast of course and a little time with Becca and Drew before they headed off.  Spencer had alittle more time before he headed off to study. Play time with toys and a few times of going up and down the stairs.  Stell a ibecoming quite comfortable and proficient with the stairs.  After morning nap Nana and Grampa took Stella out ot do a few little errands.  To the fitness centre to get “stuff” for the cottage.  There were lots of balls that Stella loved looking at and shoving on them (they were really big).  Then off to Il Fornello’s for lunch.  Stella loved the gnocchi, meatballs, and Nana gave her some moshrooms off her pizza which she loved.  Then off th Sheridan Nursery to look at patio furniture for the cottage deck.  Riding around in the cart was fun and then a new cart to ride in at Whole Foods to get fish for supper. Then home again for afternoon nap.  After nap Spencer gave Stella some yogurt and she drank a cup full of carrot juice (she was really thirst!)
Supper was just little but included delicious asparagus.  Stella ate her supper with the big people and there was mutual entertaining going on.  Stella is really getting to know Becca.  Becca entertained her a bit while Nana finished getting supper together.
Then, the most exciting time – we all went to the Wilson’s pool for a swim which was so much fun.  There was much squealing over the excitement of spraying one of the puppies. It was quite hilarious watching Bubbles trying to catch the stream of water going over the waterfall.  Stella loved the pool and the boys had great fun entertaining her.  After a fun time of swimming and a good drying, body lotion and pyjamas it was ice cream time.  Lots of fun and lots of laughs.  The Wilson’s have invited Stella back for a swim on Sunday afternoon,(after nap time of course)and she can bring her Mom and Dad and any body else in the family who wants to come.
A very wonderful day full of adventure, excitement and laughing.  Bedtime was a little late again tonight but we are on holidays! Of course Stella is looking foward to seeing her Mommy and Daddy again giving them lotsw of hugs and kisses.Hope you guys had a good day and have a safe trip home.
Love, Mom

I am so thankful that Stella has a family that loves and cares for her so much.  It was no sweat at all being away from her this long because I knew she was having a blast without her Mommy and Daddy.  Hooray for vacations!